13:30 〜 15:30
▼ [19p-P1-63] Signatures of Spin Nernst Effect in Metallic Bilayers
キーワード:Spin Hall Magnetoresistance,Spin Nernst Effect,Spin Current
Spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) is first reported in the heavy metal (HM)| ferromagnetic insulator (FI) bilayers, such as Pt|YIG and Ta|YIG [1-5]. Through the Spin Hall effect (SHE), spin current is created in the HM. Depending on the magnetization direction of FI, spin current is accumulated at the HM/FI interface and then converted into a charge current due to the inverse SHE in the HM layer. As a result, a slight change in the resistance is observed depending on the magnetization direction: the SMR serves as a spin current detector. Recently SMR in metallic bilayers, such as Ta|CoFeB and W|CoFeB, has also been reported [6, 7]. Here we show that a temperature gradient across the films can generate spin current and induce SMR in W|CoFeB metallic bilayers [Fig. 1]. These results indicate that temperature gradient driven charge current can generate transverse spin current by SHE in W, suggesting the observation of the spin Nernst effect (SNE) [8].