The 63rd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2016

Presentation information


Symposium » Progress in studies on laser-processing employing liquid media

[20p-W321-1~13] Progress in studies on laser-processing employing liquid media

Sun. Mar 20, 2016 1:15 PM - 6:45 PM W321 (W2・W3)

Tadatake Sato(AIST), Naoto Koshizaki(Hokkaido Univ.), Yoshiro Ito(Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.)

1:45 PM - 2:15 PM

[20p-W321-2] Visualization of Laser Ablation in Liquid through High-speed Laser Stroboscopic Videography

Yoshiro Ito1, Rie Tanabe1 (1.Nagaoka Univ. Tech.)

Keywords:laser ablation in liquid,visualization,high-speed imaging

We have developed a high-speed laser stroboscopic videography technique, in which a high-speed vido camera is combined with a high repetition rate, short pulse laser. We are studying on dynamics of laser ablation in liquid over wide time-scale, from ns to ms, using this technique. In this paper, we present two examples, laser peening under liquid and nano-particle production by laser ablation in liquid, to describe the system with some new findings on these processes.