


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.10 光量子物理・技術

[20p-W541-1~16] 3.10 光量子物理・技術

2016年3月20日(日) 13:45 〜 18:30 W541 (西5号館)

神成 文彦(慶大)、大坪 順次(静岡大)

14:30 〜 14:45

[20p-W541-3] Spectral correlation measurement in Hong-Ou-Mandel interference between two independent sources

Jin Ruibo1、Gerrits Thomas2、Fujiwara Mikio1、Wakabayashi Ryota1,3、Yamashita Taro1、Miki Shigehito1、Terai Hirotaka1、Shimizu Ryosuke4、Takeoka Masahiro1、Sasaki Masahide1 (1.NICT、2.NIST、3.Waseda University、4.UEC)

キーワード:Hong-Ou-Mandel interference,Independent sources,Spectral correlation measurement

Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interference between independent photon sources (HOMI-IPS) is the fundamental block for quantum information processing. All the previous HOMI-IPS experiments were carried out in time-domain, however, the spectral information during the interference was omitted. Here, we investigate the HOMI-IPS in spectral domain using the recently developed fast fiber spectrometer, and demonstrate the spectral distribution during the HOM interference between two heralded single-photon sources, and two thermal sources. This experiment not only can deepen our understanding of HOMI-IPS from the viewpoint of spectral domain, but also presents a tool to test the theoretical predictions of HOMI-IPS using spectrally engineered sources. Figure 1 shows the experimental setup and Fig.2 shows the experimentally measured joint spectral distribution at different delay positions.