The 63rd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2016

Presentation information


Symposium » State-of-the-art characterization technique of dielectric and ferroelectric materials

[20p-W641-1~9] State-of-the-art characterization technique of dielectric and ferroelectric materials

Sun. Mar 20, 2016 1:45 PM - 6:15 PM W641 (W6)

Wataru Sakamoto(Nagoya Univ.), Satoshi Wada(Univ. of Yamanashi)

2:15 PM - 2:45 PM

[20p-W641-2] Rea-space Observation of Electromagnetic Fields inside Materials by Advanced STEM

Naoya Shibata1 (1.Univ. Tokyo)

Keywords:Scanning transmission electron microscopy,electromagnetic field,interface

In this study, we report real-space direct observation of local electromagnetic fields inside materials using STEM combined with newly developed segmented-type detector.