


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.8 光計測技術・機器

[21p-H116-1~22] 3.8 光計測技術・機器

2016年3月21日(月) 13:15 〜 19:00 H116 (本館)

金 蓮花(山梨大)、石井 昌憲(情通機構)

15:45 〜 16:00

[21p-H116-11] Dual photoelastic modulator and rotating wave plate based Mueller matrix polarimeter to measure the optical properties of scattering media

〇(DC)Mukherjee Pradipta2、Serrano-Garcia David I.1、Otani Yukitoshi2,1 (1.Utsunomiya Univ. Center for Optical Research and Education、2.Utsunomiya Univ. Dept. Of Optical Engineering)

キーワード:Mueller Matrix Polarimetry,Photoelastic modulator,Scattering medium

Abstract: A Mueller matrix polarimeter based on two photoelastic modulator (PEM) and rotating wave plates has been applied to measure the optical properties of scattering media used as Intralipid. By considering the effect of the orientation errors of the elements used in proposed set-up, a more general calibration method was developed. In addition the calibration procedure for retardance error of wave plate and amplitude of modulation of PEM was considered previously. The scattering coefficients of the particles of Intralipid were obtained by using transmitted light intensity and investigated to match with the Mie scattering theory.