


17 ナノカーボン » 17.2 グラフェン

[21p-S011-1~20] 17.2 グラフェン

2016年3月21日(月) 13:45 〜 19:00 S011 (南講義棟)

神田 晶申(筑波大)、佐藤 信太郎(富士通研)

17:30 〜 17:45

[21p-S011-15] HIMを用いたサブ10 nm 幅サスペンデッドグラフェンナノリボンの作製

シュミット マレク1、〇武市 旺大1、神崎 晃悠1、小川 真一2、水田 博1,3 (1.北陸先端大、2.産総研、3.サザンプトン大)


Helium ion microscopy (HIM) and milling are known for highest resolution. It is therefore actively employed for graphene device fabrication and modification. However, when the necessary dose to modify the graphene exceeds a certain value, the substrate starts to swell due to helium bubble formation. This deformation can cause damage to the graphene and methods to mitigate this are actively searched. Here, we avoid damage from substrate swelling by suspending the graphene. Additionally, knock-on damage from the beam-substrate interaction is reduced, leading to sub-10 nm resolution.