The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017

Presentation information

Oral presentation

15 Crystal Engineering » 15.3 III-V-group epitaxial crystals, Fundamentals of epitaxy

[5p-C21-1~13] 15.3 III-V-group epitaxial crystals, Fundamentals of epitaxy

Tue. Sep 5, 2017 1:45 PM - 5:15 PM C21 (C21)

Manabu Mitsuhara(NTT), Kouichi Akahane(NICT)

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM

[5p-C21-9] GaAs/Ge/GaAs heterostructures grown on (113)B and (113)A GaAs substrates by MBE

Xiangmeng Lu1, Yasuo Minami1, Naoto Kumagai2, Takahiro Kitada1 (1.Tokushima Univ., 2.AIST)

Keywords:MBE, heterostructures, Sublattice rversal