


22 合同セッションM 「フォノンエンジニアリング」 » 22.1 合同セッションM 「フォノンエンジニアリング」

[6p-C22-1~11] 22.1 合同セッションM 「フォノンエンジニアリング」

2017年9月6日(水) 13:45 〜 17:00 C22 (C22)

渡邉 孝信(早大)、有江 隆之(大阪府立大)

14:30 〜 14:45

[6p-C22-4] Effects of structural dimensions on phonon bandgaps in nanopatterned graphene phononic crystals.

Mayeesha Masrura Haque1、Marek E. Schmidt1、Takuya Iwasaki1、Manoharan Muruganathan1、Hiroshi Mizuta1 (1.JAIST)

キーワード:phononic crystal, Graphene, FEM

Phonons are collective mechanical lattice vibrations that are responsible for transmission of sound (low-frequency oscillation of mechanical waves in KHz regime) and heat (high-frequency oscillation of mechanical waves in THz regime) through materials. Phonon engineering has earned immense interest recently because of its potential application in the fields of hypersound and heat control, acoustic and thermal cloaking, thermal diodes and so on.The versatility of graphene has long been appreciated in the scientific community. Numerical modelling of graphene based nanopatterned structure of different periodicity is presented in this report. Numerical analysis allows us to simulate and investigate possible outcomes for finer nanopattern structures. Here, we investigated the effect of the pitch length for 3 nm pores on the phononic bandgap formation by the finite element simulation technique. The COMSOL Mutiphysics software was used to build the model and perform the simulations.