The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017

Presentation information

Poster presentation

13 Semiconductors » 13.8 Compound and power electron devices and process technology

[6p-PA8-1~31] 13.8 Compound and power electron devices and process technology

Wed. Sep 6, 2017 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM PA8 (P)

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

[6p-PA8-13] Evaluation of SBD characteristics on lightly-doped p-type GaN layers

Hideaki Matsuyama1, Katsunori Ueno1, Shinya Takashima1, Ryou Tanaka1, Hisashi Yamada2, Mitsuaki Shimizu2, Masaharu Edo1 (1.Fuji Electric, 2.AIST)

Keywords:GaN semiconductor, low-concentration p-GaN, Schottky

For the GaN semiconductor the electrical characteristics of the low-concentration p-GaN layer are not sufficiently evaluated. A double Schottky structure in which a high-concentration p-GaN layer was laid under the low-concentration p-GaN layer obtained good SBD characteristics.