


13 半導体 » 13.8 化合物及びパワー電子デバイス・プロセス技術

[8a-S22-1~9] 13.8 化合物及びパワー電子デバイス・プロセス技術

2017年9月8日(金) 09:00 〜 11:30 S22 (パレスB)

塩島 謙次(福井大)

10:45 〜 11:00

[8a-S22-7] C-V Measurements and Interfacial Property Analysis of NO2 Hole Doped Diamond MOS Structure

〇(M2)Niloy Chandra Saha1、Makoto Kasu1 (1.Saga Univ.)

キーワード:Diamond MOS, interface state, NO2 oxidation

Diamond is the best electronic material for the high-power operation due to its high band-gap (5.47 eV) and high break down field (>10 MVcm-1). NO2 hole doping increase surface concentration and Al2O3 passivates the hole channel. However, the mechanisms of hole doping and Al2O3/diamond interface are not clearly understood. In this work, we fabricate diamond MOS structures with and without NO2 hole doping and analyze the interface properties in order to investigate NO2 hole doping effect.