


13 半導体 » 13.8 化合物及びパワー電子デバイス・プロセス技術

[15p-315-1~17] 13.8 化合物及びパワー電子デバイス・プロセス技術

2017年3月15日(水) 13:15 〜 17:45 315 (315)

重川 直輝(大阪市立大)、岡田 浩(豊橋技科大)

17:00 〜 17:15

[15p-315-15] Mg Ion Implantation Technology for Vertical Ga2O3 Power Devices

Wong ManHoi1、Goto Ken2,3、Togashi Rie3、Murakami Hisashi3、Kumagai Yoshinao3、Kuramata Akito2、Yamakoshi Shigenobu2、Higashiwaki Masataka1 (1.NICT、2.Tamura Corporation、3.Tokyo Univ. Agricul. Technol.)

キーワード:Ga2O3, Mg ion implantation, current blocking

Vertical n-Ga2O3 power devices make use of insulating or p-type materials for forming current blocking layers (CBLs) to prevent direct source-drain leakage. Mg-ion-implanted Ga2O3 was investigated in this work as a CBL in light of semi-insulating Ga2O3 obtained by Mg compensation doping of n-type bulk crystals. Systematic thermal anneals and electrical measurements presented evidence of implant activation and illustrated a pathway for forming CBLs in Ga2O3 devices.