


11 超伝導 » 11.1 基礎物性

[15p-317-1~13] 11.1 基礎物性

2017年3月15日(水) 13:00 〜 16:45 317 (317)

荻野 拓(産総研)、飯田 和昌(名大)、作間 啓太(成蹊大)

13:45 〜 14:00

[15p-317-4] Molecular beam epitaxy of palladates with square-planar coordinated palladium

七尾 美子1,2、池田 愛1、内藤 方夫2、山本 秀樹1、Yoshiharu Krockenberger1 (1.NTT BRL、2.TUAT)


Cu2+ is known to form infinite edge-sharing networks resulting in the Nd2CuO4 structure which is a high Tc superconductor. Similarly Pd2+ can be stabilized as well in the Nd2CuO4 structure type, though electronic correlations of Nd2PdO4 have not been investigated by single crystals.
We report on the synthesis of epictaxially grown thin films of Nd2-xCexPdO4 by reactive molecular beam epitaxy.