


12 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス » 12.5 有機太陽電池

[17a-303-1~16] 12.5 有機太陽電池

2017年3月17日(金) 09:00 〜 13:30 303 (303)

久保 貴哉(東大)、池上 和志(桐蔭横浜大)、白井 肇(埼玉大)

12:15 〜 12:30

[17a-303-12] Dual role of Cs2SnI6: A hole transporter and an absorber for perovskite based solar cells

〇(P)Kapil Gaurav1、Ohta Takeshi2、Ogomi Yuhei2、Koyonagi Tsuguo2、Yoshino Kenji3、Shen Qing4、Toyoda Taro4、Minemoto Takashi5、Murakami Takurou N.6、Segawa Hiroshi1、Hayase Shuzi2 (1.University of Tokyo、2.Kyu. Inst. of Tech.、3.Uni. of Miyazaki、4.Uni. of Electrocomm.、5.Ritsueikan Uni.、6.AIST)

キーワード:New perovskite materials, Cs2SnI6, Lead free solar cells

Over the last one year, organic-inorganic lead (Pb) halide based perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have successfully achieved more than 20% photoconversion efficiencies (PCE) in a variety of solar cell architectures. These overwhelming results are mainly due to its good ambipolar electron and hole transport properties, high excitation carrier life time and absorption coefficients. However, the presence of Pb demands to look out for a Pb free material with similar properties. Therefore, there has been a continuous research interest for Pb free new perovskite and perovskite related materials such as Cs2SnI6. Recent studies demonstrated that Cs2SnI6 works as a good hole transporter (HT) in dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) and also it can be used as lead free absorber in PSCs with PCE less than 1% so far. Here, in this work we present the reasons for low performance of Cs2SnI6 based solar cells and possibilities to increase its performance.