


13 半導体 » 13.2 探索的材料物性・基礎物性

[20a-PA4-1~12] 13.2 探索的材料物性・基礎物性

2018年9月20日(木) 09:30 〜 11:30 PA (イベントホール)

09:30 〜 11:30

[20a-PA4-2] Investigation of defect levels in undoped-BaSi2 epitaxial films by PL measurement

Louise BENINCASA1,2、Hirofumi Hoshida3、Tianguo Deng1、Takuma Sato1,2、Kaoru Toko1、Yoshikazu Terai3、Takashi Suemasu1 (1.Univ. Tsukuba、2.Univ. Grenoble Alpes、3.Kyushu Inst. Tech.)

キーワード:Barium disilicide, photoluminescence

Barium disilicide (BaSi2) shows great potential in solar cell applications as it has attractive features such as a suitable band gap (Eg=1,3 eV), a high absorption coefficient (α exceeding 3 × 104 cm-1), a long minority-carrier lifetime (τ ~ 10 µs), and a large minority-carrier diffusion length (L ~ 10 µm). However, undoped-BaSi2 contain point defects which can be detected by deep level transient spectroscopy. In this study, the goal is to evaluate the defects properties such as the energy level or the density. Our previous research shows that the ratio of Ba deposition rate to the Si deposition rate (RBa/RSi) has an impact on carrier concentration and photoresponsivity of BaSi2. Therefore, we decided to analyze samples with various values of RBa/RSi by photoluminescence (PL). In this way, we will be able to have a better understanding about the origin of these defects and find a way to suppress or reduce them.