


7 ビーム応用 » 7.4 量子ビーム界面構造計測

[17a-F202-1~11] 7.4 量子ビーム界面構造計測

2018年3月17日(土) 09:00 〜 12:15 F202 (61-202)

羽田 真毅 (岡山大)、高橋 正光(量研機構)、鈴木 秀士(名大)

11:30 〜 11:45

[17a-F202-9] Dispersive X-ray scattering measurements for time-resolved observation of thin films

Wolfgang Voegeli1、Etsuo Arakawa1、Toshio Takahashi1、Tetsuroh Shirasawa2,3、Hiroo Tajiri4、Masamitu Takahasi5、Takuo Sasaki5、Tadashi Matsushita6 (1.Tokyo Gakugei Univ.、2.AIST、3.JST-PRESTO、4.JASRI/SPring-8、5.QST、6.KEK-PF)

キーワード:X-ray scattering, time-resolved measurement

A recently developed method for time-resolved measurements of X-ray reflectivity, CTR scattering and reciprocal space mapping will be presented, which uses monochromatic synchrotron radiation from 3rd generation undulator sources. It makes time-resolved observations with a time resolution down to 10 ms possible. The principle of the method and results of test experiments will be presented.