


1 応用物理学一般 » 1.3 新技術・複合新領域

[17p-P2-1~10] 1.3 新技術・複合新領域

2018年3月17日(土) 13:30 〜 15:30 P2 (ベルサール高田馬場)

13:30 〜 15:30

[17p-P2-2] Periodic Surface Structures and Magnetic Particles Prepared by Laser Ablation of Iron in liquids

〇(P)Dongshi Zhang1、Wonsuk Choi1,2、Koji Sugioka1 (1.RIKEN、2.UST)

キーワード:laser ablation in liquids, particle synthesis, periodic structures

Laser ablation has emerged as a novel method to synthesize various nanomaterials.1-3 Currently, most works merely focus on the material synthesis using laser ablation technique with little attention to the relationship between the ablated substrates and the synthesized materials. This work is aimed at filling this gap and giving new insights based on femtosecond laser ablation of iron targets in different liquids. Laser ablation in liquid (LAL) of Fe using water and acetone are performed for comparison. The results provide two insights: first, the as-prepared surface structures have big difference in different liquids, as shown in Fig. 1. Specifically, periodic structure is created in water, while random structure in acetone. Second, generated particles have altered the surface structures by precipitating on the ablated surface, especially in acetone. Finally, with the help of systematic analysis of the substrates and the particles using XRD, XPS and Raman spectra, the particles’ formation mechanism and phase evolution at different stages of LAL are proposed.
Figure 1. Surface structures obtained by laser ablation of Fe in water (left) and acetone (right), respectively.

(1) Zhang, D.; Gökce, B.; Barcikowski, S. Laser Synthesis and Processing of Colloids: Fundamentals and Applications. Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 3990.
(2) Zhang, D.; Liu, J.; Liang, C. Perspective on how laser-ablated particles grow in liquids. Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 2017, 60, 074201.
(3) Zhang, D.; Ma, Z.; Spasova, M.; Yelsukova, A. E.; Lu, S.; Farle, M.; Wiedwald, U.; Gökce, B. Formation mechanism of laser-synthesized iron-manganese alloy nanoparticles, manganese oxide nanosheets and nanofibers. Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 2017, 34, 1600225.