The 65h JSAP Spring Meeting, 2018

Presentation information

Oral presentation

12 Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics » 12.7 Biomedical Engineering and Biochips

[18a-F306-1~12] 12.7 Biomedical Engineering and Biochips

Sun. Mar 18, 2018 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM F306 (61-306)

Hiroaki Takehara(Univ. of Tokyo)

11:00 AM - 11:15 AM

[18a-F306-8] Fluorescence evaluation of interfacial pH behavior at cell/substrate nanogap for in situ monitoring of cellular respiration with FET biosensor

〇(DC)Hiroto Satake1, Akiko Saito1, Toshiya Sakata1 (1.Univ. of Tokyo)

Keywords:Field Effect Transistor, fluorescent imaging