


13 半導体 » 13.7 化合物及びパワー電子デバイス・プロセス技術

[18p-C302-1~19] 13.7 化合物及びパワー電子デバイス・プロセス技術

2018年3月18日(日) 13:45 〜 19:00 C302 (52-302)

重川 直輝(大阪市立大)、佐藤 威友(北大)

18:45 〜 19:00

[18p-C302-19] Current Aperture Vertical Ga2O3 MOSFETs with N-Ion-Implanted Current Blocking Layer

ManHoi Wong1、Ken Goto2,3、Akito Kuramata2、Shigenobu Yamakoshi2、Hisashi Murakami3、Yoshinao Kumagai3、Masataka Higashiwaki1 (1.NICT、2.Tamura Corp.、3.Tokyo Univ. Agricul. Technol.)

キーワード:Ga2O3, vertical MOSFET, ion implantation

Vertical power transistors are preferred over their lateral counterparts since chip area utilization is more efficient and device operation is insensitive to surface effects. A current aperture vertical Ga2O3 MOSFET was previously demonstrated, wherein the source was isolated from the drain by an Mg-doped current blocking layer (CBL) except at an aperture opening through which drain current was conducted. In this work, an N-doped CBL was adopted for transistor fabrication in light of its higher thermal stability and larger blocking voltage than with Mg doping.