


6 薄膜・表面 » 6.4 薄膜新材料

[19a-C103-1~12] 6.4 薄膜新材料

2018年3月19日(月) 09:00 〜 12:15 C103 (52-103)

遠藤 民生(さがみはら表面研)、鈴木 宗泰(産総研)

09:15 〜 09:30

[19a-C103-2] Growth and gas sensing properties of TiO2 nanostructures by MOD method

〇(PC)Leila Alipour1、Tohru Sugahara1、Jun-ichi Nakamura2、Hironobu Ono2、Nobuyuki Harada2、Katsuaki Suganuma1 (1.Osaka Univ.、2.Nihon Shokubai)

キーワード:Nanostructure, Gas sensing, MOD method

We focused on solution MOD method to fabricate nanostructured thin film oxides, to investigate gas sensing properties. Titanium oxide (TiOx) nanostructured thin films were fabricated for gas sensor devices by MOD method, and their sensing properties with VOC vapors such as methanol, ethanol, and 1-propanol was tested.