


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.1 新物質・新機能創成(作製・評価技術)

[19p-D104-7~21] 10.1 新物質・新機能創成(作製・評価技術)


2018年3月19日(月) 14:45 〜 19:00 D104 (56-104)

岡林 潤(東大)、加藤 剛志(名大)、高村 陽太(東工大)

17:45 〜 18:00

[19p-D104-17] Investigation of spin-transfer properties in ferrimagnetic Mn4N nanowires

Toshiki Gushi1,2、Laurent Vila2、Jean-Philippe Attane2、Olivier Fruchart2、Alain Marty2、Stefania Pizzini3、Jan Vogel3、Fumiya Takata1、Akihito Anzai1、Takashi Suemasu1 (1.Univ. of Tsukuba、2.SPINTEC、3.Institut Neel)

キーワード:Mn4N, Current induced domain wall motion, PMA

We are interested in Mn4N film as a new spintronic material. In this paper, we characterized magnetic properties in Mn4N nanowires, such as spin transfer efficiency ε, which is calculated by the equivalency between magnetic field and current density, the threshold current density jth for domain wall (DW) motion without external field, and they were ε=7.7 pT/m2, jth=120 GA/m2, respectively. In addition, the velocity of DW driven by pulse current of 5×1011 A/m2 was above 200 m/s in a preliminary experiment without any assistance of spin-orbit torque. These surprising properties obviously showed the potential of Mn4N for appplication to current-induced DW motion devices.