


13 半導体 » 13.2 探索的材料物性・基礎物性

[19p-F202-1~16] 13.2 探索的材料物性・基礎物性

2018年3月19日(月) 13:45 〜 18:15 F202 (61-202)

末益 崇(筑波大)、山口 憲司(量研機構)、原 康祐(山梨大)

17:45 〜 18:00

[19p-F202-15] Growth of Type II Germanium Clathrate NaxGe136 Thin Films on Sapphire Substrates

Himanshu Shekhar Jha1、N. Sugii1、F. Ohashi1、T. Kume1、T. Mukai1、T. Ban1、S. Nonomura1 (1.Gifu University)


Ge type II clathrate NaxGe136 is a compound material that consists of a cage-like framework of group IV element of Ge (host) and alkali guest atom of Na. Inclusion of the guest atoms (Na) induces peculiar characteristics on clathrate materials. The clathrate with fully occupied cages by guest atom (x =24) shows metallic behavior. However, guest-free clathrates (x~0) is considered as an allotrope of Ge and behaves like as semiconductors with similar or wider direct band gap. In recent year, guest free type II clathrates of Ge, Si etc. have increasingly attracted attention for their applications in solar photovoltaic.