


4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2019 » 4.1 Plasmonics and Nanophotonics

[18p-E208-1~13] 4.1 Plasmonics and Nanophotonics

2019年9月18日(水) 13:15 〜 18:00 E208 (E208)

矢野 隆章(徳島大)、Smith Nicholas(阪大)、田中 拓男(理研)

15:00 〜 15:30

[18p-E208-6] [INVITED] All-dielectric field enhanced spectroscopy beyond the plasmonic limit

Taka-aki Yano1,2,3 (1.Tokushima Univ.、2.RIKEN、3.Tokyo Inst. Technol.)

キーワード:Nanophotonics, SERS

We demonstrated all-dielectric nanostructures which exhibited directional Fano resonances, reversed optical binding force, and field-enhancement along with ultra-low heat generation. Optical interactions between magnetic dipole (MD) and electric dipole (ED) modes in the dielectric nanostructures played crucial roles in the unique optical characteristics, especially in damage-free field enhanced Raman spectroscopy.