


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス(ポスター)

[18p-PB1-1~84] 10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス(ポスター)

2019年9月18日(水) 13:30 〜 15:30 PB1 (第二体育館)

13:30 〜 15:30

[18p-PB1-15] Coupling between acoustic and optic magnons in synthetic antiferromagnets

Yoichi Shiota1、Tomohiro Taniguchi2、Mio Ishibashi1、Takahiro Moriyama1、Teruo Ono1 (1.Kyoto Univ.、2.AIST)

キーワード:Synthetic antiferromagnets, Spin waves, Magnon-magnon coupling

In this study, we investigated the spin waves with the antiferromagnetic resonanc modes, which is an acoustic mode (in-phase precession) and an optic mode (out-of-plane precession), in synthetic antiferromagnets. Two resonant modes are hybridezed and the anti-crossing gap is generated by changing the in-plane field angle. We also find that coupling strength is proportional to the spin wave wavenumber. In the presentation, we will discuss more detail about experimental result with the theoretical description.