The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2019

Presentation information

Oral presentation

Joint Session N » 23.1 Joint Session N "Informatics"

[19a-B01-1~10] 23.1 Joint Session N "Informatics"

Thu. Sep 19, 2019 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM B01 (B01)

Nao Terasaki(AIST), Toyohiro Chikyo(NIMS)

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM

[19a-B01-4] [Highlight] Similarity evaluations of fragrance molecules using Digital Annealer

Chieko Terashima1, 〇Hideyuki Jippo1, Mari Ohfuchi1 (1.Fujitsu Labs. Ltd.)

Keywords:Annealer, Materials Informatics, Combinatorial optimization

We can get more molecules with similar fragrance to the query molecule by the similarity evaluation of the molecular structure using Digital Annealer than using a fingerprint method. It is also found that our method can easily extract the common substructures among the similar molecules. Our method may have applicability to various properties of the chemical substances as well as the fragrance.