


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.5 磁場応用

[19a-E201-1~11] 10.5 磁場応用

2019年9月19日(木) 09:00 〜 11:45 E201 (E201)

堀井 滋(京都先端科学大)、三井 好古(鹿児島大)

09:30 〜 09:45

[19a-E201-3] Concentration Boundary Layer Thickness Decrease Mechanism Analysis under Magnetic Field Imposition through Cu2+ Concentration Time Variation

Guangye Xu1、Kazuhiko Iwai1 (1.Hokkaido Univ.)

キーワード:Concentration boundary layer thickness decrease mechanism

For solid-liquid chemical reactions, mass transfer is often the rate determining step. Therefore, agitation of bulk liquid has been used for the enhancement of mass transfer rate. However, as concentration boundary layer is in the velocity boundary layer, by using such macroscopic agitation methods, decrease of the concentration boundary layer thickness is limited. Therefore, a new method, direct excitation of force in the vicinity of solid-liquid interface has been proposed. In this method, the concentration boundary layer formed by dissolving solid copper from anode into aqueous solution, and it’s thickness in the whole vicinity area of the anode decreased when imposing a static magnetic field and a DC current simultaneously compared to that only the DC current was imposed. Two potential mechanisms for concentration boundary layer thickness decrease were proposed: convection or hydrodynamic instability. This research aims to analyze whether convection and/or hydrodynamic instability are the concentration boundary layer thickness decrease mechanism or not through measuring Cu2+ concentration time variation by comparing the two cases with or without magnetic field.