The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2019

Presentation information

Oral presentation

11 Superconductivity » 11.4 Analog applications and their related technologies

[19p-C207-1~17] 11.4 Analog applications and their related technologies

Thu. Sep 19, 2019 1:15 PM - 6:00 PM C207 (C207)

Sano Kyosuke(Nagoya Univ.), Hiroyuki Shibata(北見工大)

5:15 PM - 5:30 PM

[19p-C207-15] Investigation of deposition conditions of NbTiN thin films for high performance of SSPD

〇(M2)Yuma Fujii1,2, Humihiro China2, Masahiro Yabuno2, Hirotaka Terai2, Isaku Kanno1, Shigehito Miki1,2 (1.Kobe Univ., 2.NICT)

