


12 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス » 12.6 ナノバイオテクノロジー

[19p-PB9-1~24] 12.6 ナノバイオテクノロジー

2019年9月19日(木) 16:00 〜 18:00 PB9 (第二体育館)

16:00 〜 18:00

[19p-PB9-7] Self-Assembly of Tetra-Peptides on Surfaces of Two-Dimensional Materials

〇(D)Chen Chen1、Peiying Li1、Kazunori Motai1、Hironaga Noguchi1、Yuhei Hayamizu1 (1.Tokyo Tech)

キーワード:Self-assembly, Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Two-dimensional Materials

As the novel “bottom-up” strategy for fabricating nanomaterials, molecular self-assembly has attracted considerable attention worldwide. On one hand, two-dimensional (2D) materials such as graphite and molybdenum disulfide have been demonstrated as the platform for this self-assembly due to their unique electrical, optical properties, and atomically flat surfaces, etc. On the other hand, amphiphilic peptides with both of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic nature also have already been used as ideal building blocks for forming various sophisticated self-assembling materials with certain applications. Therefore, in order to functionalize the 2D material surface by peptides self-assembly, it is necessary for a deliberate understanding of the interaction between biomolecules and 2D substrate materials. In this work, we aim to combine the experimental and computational approaches to understand the molecular mechanism. Through the comparison between AFM and Molecular Dynamics Simulation results, the information about periodicity of FEFE self-assembly structure can be obtained so that it can pay foundation for building the conformation-property relation of amphiphilic peptide self-assembly on 2D material surfaces.