


シンポジウム(technical) » 固体表面とバイオ表面の共生:サイバー空間と生体の対話へむけて

[20a-B32-1~4] 固体表面とバイオ表面の共生:サイバー空間と生体の対話へむけて

2019年9月20日(金) 10:00 〜 11:45 B32 (B32)

山下 一郎(阪大)

10:45 〜 11:15

[20a-B32-3] Protein-templated synthesis of metal-based nanomaterials

Jeremy Tame1 (1.Yokohama City Univ.)

キーワード:protein, cluster, nano-scale

There is currently enormous interest in using protein scaffolds to prepare uniform nanometre-sized clusters of metals or other inorganic material for use as sensors, imaging agents, drugs, magnetic materials or catalysts. Non-templated chemical synthesis of such clusters often results in a product of variable size and quality, but protein molecules have proved adept at nucleating and stabilizing precise nanoclusters of various kinds. Although much research has focused on natural proteins, such as the iron-storage protein ferritin, recent developments in protein design have allowed entirely novel, symmetrical proteins to be used as templates for the first time.