


4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2019 » 4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2019(ポスター)

[20a-PA3-1~10] 4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2019(ポスター)

2019年9月20日(金) 09:30 〜 11:30 PA3 (第一体育館)

09:30 〜 11:30

[20a-PA3-8] Focused surface plasmon sensing of anisotropic sample towards cell characterization

〇(D)Ipsita Chakraborty1、Hiroshi Kano1 (1.Muroran IT)

キーワード:Focused surface plasmon, Anisotropic sample

Focused surface plasmon (FSP) sensing has been widely used to characterize various samples pertaining to the high spatial resolution and single shot measurement of local refractive index. The theoretical analysis of surface plasmon with the consideration of the anisotropy in the sample is sparse in literature and is the motivation for the present work. In this study, we calculate the spatial frequency distribution of the reflected light as a response of FSP against the anisotropic sample by assuming that the fast axis of the anisotropic sample lies on the substrate surface which replicates cellular conditions. The influence of a thin layer of silica coated on the metal film is evaluated as the morphological property of the biological sample cultured on the substrate can be affected by the chemical effect (hydrophobic property) of the metal surface.