


11 超伝導 » 11 超伝導(ポスター講演)

[10a-PA5-1~29] 11 超伝導(ポスター講演)

2019年3月10日(日) 09:30 〜 11:30 PA5 (屋内運動場)

09:30 〜 11:30

[10a-PA5-6] Pressure-induced superconductivity in SnSb2Te4

〇(M1)Peng Song1,2、Ryo Matsumoto1,2、Zhufeng Hou1、Shintaro Adachi1、Hiroshi Hara1,2、Yoshito Saito1,2、P.B Castro1,2、Takeya Hiroyuki1、Yoshihiko Takano1,2 (1.NIMS、2.Univ. of Tsukuba)

キーワード:superconductivity, data-driven

We report the discovery of a new superconducting phase in SnSb2Te4 at high pressure. Our study of the superconducting transition temperature evolution with pressure, shows a gradual increase of Tc with the applied pressure.