9:15 AM - 9:30 AM
▲ [11a-M101-2] Spin Hall magnetoresistance in amorphous tungsten/iron-silicon alloy bilayers
Keywords:Spin Hall magnetoresistance
We investigated spin Hall magnetoresiatnce in amorphous W/FeSi bilayers. The SMR obtained for a W(3nm)/FeSi(3nm) bilayer reached 0.8%, which was a little smaller than that of W/CoFeB. In fact, a theoretical model analysis for the FeSi layer thickness dependence of SMR revealed that the magnetoresistance obtained was a sum of 0.7% SMR and 0.1% unconventional anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR). The latter occurred as a bulk contribution (i.e., independent of the thickness of FeSi) in the SMR measurement geometry.