The 66th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2019

Presentation information

Oral presentation

31 Focused Session "AI Electronics" » 31.1 Focused Session "AI Electornics"

[11p-W810-1~17] 31.1 Focused Session "AI Electornics"

Mon. Mar 11, 2019 1:15 PM - 6:00 PM W810 (E1001)

Jun-ichi Shirakashi(TUAT), Tsuyoshi Hasegawa(Waseda Univ.)

1:15 PM - 1:45 PM

[11p-W810-1] [INVITED] A brain-like memory processing model for next-generation AI and outlook on new device technology

Takashi Morie1, Katsumi Tateno1, Kensuke Takada1, Masashi Kawauchi1, Ryo Shimodome1, Hakaru Tamukoh1 (1.Kyushu Inst. Tech.)

Keywords:artificial intelligence, hippocampus, episodic memory
