13:30 〜 14:00
▲ [11p-W934-1] New routes and paradigms in Device Engineering for Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems
キーワード:Nanoelectronics Emerging Devices, New fabrication and characterization tools, Energy and Variability Efficiency and Sustainability
In the field of Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems, the down scaling of components has made possible the integration of more and more complex functions which can today be handheld. The evolution in the Energy and Variability Efficiency(E.V.E.) and Sustainability era already requests new technology integration paradigms appealing for new fabrication, characterization methods and tools involving actuation modes via mechanical, electron/particles, chemical, ion beams, photonic, magnetic interactions, …Such techniques are based on: single ion implantation, molecular engineering and self-assembly, catalysis, Hydrogen/He ions implant or interactions, single or multi electron beam, molecular or single atomic sheet materials, …