The 66th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2019

Presentation information

Oral presentation

17 Nanocarbon Technology » 17.2 Graphene

[9p-W521-1~16] 17.2 Graphene

Sat. Mar 9, 2019 1:45 PM - 6:00 PM W521 (W521)

Keiji Ueno(Saitama Univ.), Satoru Suzuki(Univ. of Hyogo)

1:45 PM - 2:00 PM

[9p-W521-1] Soft X-ray Absorption and Emission Spectra of Mono- and Few-layer Graphene

Masahito Niibe1, Suzuki Satoru1, Honda Shin-ichi2 (1.LASTI, Univ. Hyogo, 2.Eng., Univ. Hyogo)

Keywords:Soft X-ray emission spectrosocpy, Take-off angle dependence, C-K absorption edge

Using a soft X-ray emission spectrometer (XES) developed at beamline BL-09A of NewSUBARU Synchrotron Radiation Facility at the University of Hyogo, the XAS and XES spectra at the CK edge of the graphene film with a monoatomic layer and a few atomic layers can be successfully measured including the dependence on incident / takeoff angle.