9:00 AM - 9:05 AM
〇Tetsuya Yamamoto1 (1.Kochi Univ. Tech.)
Symposium (Oral)
Symposium » The Third-generation dissimilar materials bonding and its application to the film growth control: Interface nano-kubernetes
Tue. Sep 8, 2020 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Z06
Toshiyuki Kawaharamura(Kochi Univ. of Tech.), Hiroaki Nishikawa(Kindai Univ.)
△:Presentation by Applicant for JSAP Young Scientists Presentation Award
▲:English Presentation
▼:Both of Above
No Mark:None of Above
9:00 AM - 9:05 AM
〇Tetsuya Yamamoto1 (1.Kochi Univ. Tech.)
9:05 AM - 9:45 AM
〇Tadatomo Suga1 (1.Meisei University)
9:45 AM - 10:15 AM
〇Kazuhiro Ogawa1 (1.Tohoku Univ.)
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
〇Minoru Osada1,2 (1.IMaSS, Nagoya Univ., 2.WPI-MANA, NIMS)
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
〇Mahito Yamamoto1, Shingo Genchi2, Teruo Kanki2, Ryo Nouchi3,4, Takashi Taniguchi5, Kenji Watanabe5, Hidekazu Tanaka2 (1.Kansai Univ., 2.Osaka Univ., 3.Osaka Pref. Univ., 4.JST PRESTO, 5.NIMS)
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