11:45 〜 12:00
▲ [12a-A405-11] Magneto-Optical Surface Plasmon Resonance in Ferromagnetic/Noble Metal Superlattices
キーワード:magneto-optical surface plasmon resonance, first-principles calculations, enhancement
Magneto-optical (MO) effect allows to improve a sensitivity in surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor where the MO effect increases at the SPR angle so as that the reflectance falls sharply. In the present work, we have demonstrated a giant enhancement of the magneto-optical surface plasmon resonance (MOSPR) in ferromagnetic Fe/noble (M=Cu, Ag, Au) metal superlattices, Fex/Mx, where x is the number of atomic-layers, form first-principles calculations. Calculations were carried out by using a full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FLAPW) method [1], and the diagonal and off-diagonal parts of the absorptive optical conductivity tensor, Re(σxx) and ωIm(σyz), were estimated by linear response theory. In an optical range (1.6 – 3.3 eV), the Re(σxx) of FexCux is much larger than those of FexAux and FexAgx. In FexCux, Re(σxx) increases in proportion to the number of x. The spectrum ωIm(σyz) on FexAux shows the peak shift from the energy position of 2.0 eV to 2.7 eV and 3.3 eV for x =1, 2 and 3, respectively. Assumed the Kretschmann configuration with the 4 × 4 transfer matrix method [2], we have simulated the MOSPR by using gelatin as a sample. The resonance condition in the SPR spectra occurs at an incident angle of 75°, which is in agreement with our previous experiments [3]. On the other hand, the transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect (TMOKE) signal, ΔRpp/Rpp, in the resonance condition increases proportionally to the number of x in FexMx. Additionally, a significant enhancement of the TMOKE signal, by 120%, is observed in Fe3Cu3, where the enhancement is mainly due to the MO activity [4]. Further discussions will be presented.