


12 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス » 12.4 有機EL・トランジスタ

[12p-N205-1~14] 12.4 有機EL・トランジスタ

2021年9月12日(日) 13:45 〜 17:45 N205 (口頭)

永瀬 隆(阪府大)、横田 知之(東大)

15:30 〜 15:45

[12p-N205-7] Quantitative analysis of organic anti-ambipolar field-effect transistors

〇(M1)Junyi Zhu1、Takehiko Mori1 (1.Tokyo Tech)

キーワード:organic semiconductor, anti-ambipolar transistor

In recent years, anti-ambipolar transistors (AATs) have received widespread interest due to the characteristic negative differential resistance (NDR) [1,2]. In this work, AATs are quantitatively analyzed based on a series circuit consisting of N- and P-type transistors.
AATs are constructed from P-type dibenzotetrathiafulvalene (DBTTF) and N-type cyclohexyl-naphthalenediimide (Cyh-NDI) transistors. The transfer characteristics are well represented by ID=(μeCW/2L)(VG-Vthe)2 and ID=(μhCW/2L)(VG-VD-Vthh)2, from which the (P-/N-type) carrier mobilities and threshold voltages are extracted to be 0.028/0.0194 cm2 V-1 s-1 and −8 /42 V, respectively. To attain the same ID in a series of P- and N-type transistors, the observed results are well reproduced by the simulation. The output characteristics follow ID=(μhCW/2L)(VG-VD-Vthh)2 when VD < (1+(μeh)1/2)(VG-Vthe)+Vthe-Vthh, and constant above this. By using triethoxyperfluorodecylsilane as a SAM of the DBTTF device, increases above 80 V; when Vthe < Vthh, a non-zero current appears in the VD < 0 V region. The VD < 0 V characteristics are satisfactorily reproduced by the simulation.
[1] Y. Wakayama, et al., Adv. Funct. Mater. 30, 1903724 (2020).
[2] J. Shim, et al., Nat. Commun. 7, 13413 (2016).