


21 合同セッションK「ワイドギャップ酸化物半導体材料・デバイス」 » 21.1 合同セッションK 「ワイドギャップ酸化物半導体材料・デバイス」

[13p-S201-1~14] 21.1 合同セッションK 「ワイドギャップ酸化物半導体材料・デバイス」

2021年9月13日(月) 13:00 〜 16:45 S201 (口頭)

尾沼 猛儀(工学院大)、後藤 健(農工大)

15:30 〜 15:45

[13p-S201-10] Crystal Quality of VB-Grown β-Ga2O3 Investigated by High Resolution X-ray Diffraction

〇(M2)Muhidul Islam Chaman1、Keigo Hoshikawa2、Makoto Kasu1 (1.SAGA UNIVERSITY、2.SHINSHU UNIVERSITY)

キーワード:high resolution X-ray diffraction, crystal growth

Beta-Gallium Oxide (β-Ga2O3) is an ultra-wide band gap semiconductor material which has the bandgap energy of about 4.5 eV and breakdown electric field of about 8 MV/cm, which makes this material preferable for high-power electronic devices. Besides, large size single crystal β-Ga2O3 can be achieved from melt growth techniques that are economically beneficial for large-scale device fabrication. Vertical Bridgman (VB) is the preferred β-Ga2O3 bulk growth method. In this study, FWHM measured 14.04 and15.84 arcsec, respectively and therefore, VB shows slightly better crystallinity than EFG for this condition. FWHM for X-ray incident direction of [010] were 14.76 and 14.40 arcsec, respectively; that indicates EFG is slightly better than VB.