The 83rd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2022

Session information

Oral presentation

15 Crystal Engineering » 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

[20a-C200-1~11] 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

Tue. Sep 20, 2022 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM C200 (C200)

Tomoyuki Tanikawa(Osaka Univ.), Takao Oto(Yamagata Univ.)

△:Presentation by Applicant for JSAP Young Scientists Presentation Award
▲:English Presentation
▼:Both of Above
No Mark:None of Above

11:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Kazuyuki Tadatomo1,2, Ryo Inomoto1, Narihito Okada2, Shinichi Seiryu3, Momoko Deura4, Takashi Fujii4, Tsutomu Araki4, Kotaro Ishiji5, Yuji Shiraishi6, 〇Tsuguo Fukuda6 (1.Creators of New Value, 2.Grad. School of Sci. and Tech. for Innov., Yamaguchi Univ., 3.OTASJAPAN, 4.Ritsumeikan Univ., 5.SAGA-LS, 6.Fukuda Crystal Lab.)



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