The 83rd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2022

Presentation information

Oral presentation

3 Optics and Photonics » 3.9 Optical quantum physics and technologies (formerly 3.10)

[20a-A404-1~9] 3.9 Optical quantum physics and technologies (formerly 3.10)

Tue. Sep 20, 2022 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM A404 (A404)

Nobuyuki Matsuda(Tohoku Univ.)

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

[20a-A404-7] Generation of highly pure single-photon states at telecommunication wavelength

〇(DC)Akito Kawasaki1, Kan Takase1,4, Takefumi Nomura1, Shigehito Miki2,3, Hirotaka Terai2, Masahiro Yabuno2, Fumihiro China2, Warit Asavanant1,4, Mamoru Endo1,4, Jun-ichi Yoshikawa4, Akira Furusawa1,4 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo, 2.NICT, 3.Kobe Univ., 4.RIKEN RQC)

Keywords:quantum information, Quantum optics

Telecommunication wavelengths with well-developed optical communication technologies and low optical losses in the waveguide are advantageous for various quantum applications. However, an experimental generation of non-classical states called non-Gaussian states at the telecommunication wavelength is still underdeveloped. In this experiment, we generate highly-pure-single-photon states, one of the most primitive non-Gaussian states. The Wigner negativity, the indicator of non-classicality, of the generated single photon state is -0.228±0.004, corresponded to 85.1±0.7% of single photon and the best record of the minimum value at all wavelengths.