


13 半導体 » 13.6 ナノ構造・量子現象・ナノ量子デバイス

[20p-C401-1~16] 13.6 ナノ構造・量子現象・ナノ量子デバイス

2022年9月20日(火) 13:30 〜 18:00 C401 (C401)

中岡 俊裕(上智大)、太田 竜一(NTT)、長谷川 尊之(大阪工大)

16:00 〜 16:15

[20p-C401-10] Clarified scheme for obtaining 350K optical gain in 3~4THz GaAs/AlGaAs quantum cascade laser

WANG LI1、Tsung-Tse LIN1、Thomas Grange2、Stefan Birner2、Ke Wang1,3、Hideki Hirayama1 (1.RIKEN、2.nextnano, Germany、3.Nanjing University, China)

キーワード:quantum cascasde lasers

This work shows the design scheme to obtain high temperature-tolerance optical gain in terahertz quantum cascade lasers. The optical gain more than the cavity threshold is predicted above room-temperatures. The schemes can be summarized into three items, that is (1) isolated three quantum states system is created; (2) indirect injection is realized; (3) optimal oscillator strength for state lifetime balance is shown.