The 83rd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2022

Presentation information

Oral presentation

15 Crystal Engineering » 15.3 III-V-group epitaxial crystals, Fundamentals of epitaxy

[21p-A105-1~9] 15.3 III-V-group epitaxial crystals, Fundamentals of epitaxy

Wed. Sep 21, 2022 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM A105 (A105)

Takaaki Mano(NIMS), Fumitaro Ishikawa(Hokkaido Univ.)

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

[21p-A105-8] All-Arsenic L-band Quantum Dot Lasers on InP(001) substrate

JINKWAN KWOEN1, Natalia Morais1, Wenbo Zhan1, Satoshi Iwamoto1,2, Yasuhiko Arakawa1 (1.NanoQuine, Univ. Tokyo, 2.RCAST, Univ. Tokyo)

Keywords:quantum dot, molecular beam epitaxy, L-band

We have grown an L-band quantum dot (QD) laser with only III-arsenide layers on InP(001) by molecular beam epitaxy. The threshold current density of the fabricated QD laser was 633 A/cm2, which is the lowest value for QD lasers in the 1.6 μm-wavelength region.