


16 非晶質・微結晶 » 16.1 基礎物性・評価・プロセス・デバイス

[22p-A301-1~15] 16.1 基礎物性・評価・プロセス・デバイス

2022年9月22日(木) 13:30 〜 17:45 A301 (A301)

中岡 俊裕(上智大)、須藤 祐司(東北大院)、牧野 孝太郎(産総研)

13:45 〜 14:00

[22p-A301-2] Effect of Se Substitution for Te and N Doping on GeSbTe Based Phase Change Memory

Jieqiong Zhang1、Katsuyoshi Komatsu1、Tadaomi Daibou1、Hiroki Tokuhira1 (1.KIOXIA Corporation)

キーワード:phase change memory, amorphous, low reset current

In recent years, phase change memory (PCM) has received wide attention as a promising candidate for next-generation non-volatile memory devices. To meet the requirement of high density integration, low power consumption especially reduced reset current has been regarded as a crucial factor for the development of PCM cells. In order to reduce reset current, increasing the resistance of PCM materials is considered to be one of effective methods to obtain a high efficiency of joule heating. In this work Se substitution for Te in GeSbTe (GST) alloys and nitrogen doped GeSb(Te-Se) alloys based PCM cells have been studied. Eletrical results indicated that a favorably low reset current with 50~60% reduction as compared with reference GST can be attained by Se substitution for Te and a further N addition into GST-S systems. It is considered to be correlated with bandgap increase due to Se substitution and N doping, which could lead to the increase in set and reset resistance.The investigation on GSTS(N) system based PCM cells in this study would provide a good guideline for the improvement in device performance in next-generation PCM devices.