


CS コードシェアセッション » 【CS.7】 6.1 強誘電体薄膜、13.3 絶縁膜技術、13.5 デバイス/配線/集積化技術のコードシェア

[22p-A307-1~17] CS.7 6.1 強誘電体薄膜、13.3 絶縁膜技術、13.5 デバイス/配線/集積化技術のコードシェア

2022年9月22日(木) 13:30 〜 18:00 A307 (A307)

徳光 永輔(北陸先端大)、平永 良臣(東北大)、清水 荘雄(物材機構)

13:45 〜 14:00

[22p-A307-2] Field-Induced Polar-Axis Alignment for 3D High-Density Memory

李 卓1、武 继璇1、梅 潇然1、黄 星宇1、更屋 拓哉1、平本 俊朗1、髙橋 崇典2、上沼 睦典2、浦岡 行治2、小林 正治1,3 (1.東大生産研、2.奈良先端、3.東大システムデザインセンター)

キーワード:FeFET、Hafnium Oxide

Ferroelectric FETs (FeFETs) have been attracting much attention for high speed and low power with the use of CMOS-compatible Fe-HfO2. In addition, 3D vertical stack FeFETs can achieve more for high-density storage memory, with two additional challenges. 1) Typically, PVD cannot be used for conformal deposition in 3D structure. Thus ALD deposition is needed in a high-aspect ratio trench structure. 2) Fe-HfO2 is usually poly-crystalline and does not assure out-of-plane polarization in as-grown layers. But it has to have out-of-plane polarization with respect to any type of surface in 3D structure. We consider how the polar-axis is aligned under the electric field. In this study, we theoretically investigate the polar-axis transition of FE-HfO2 using the first-principle simulation, and experimentally fabricated HfZrO2 films to observe and analyze grain crystal orientations. We confirmed polar-axis transition from in-plane to out-of-plane in Fe-HfO2. This finding is useful in that Fe-HfO2 can maximize the polarization for memory operation on any type of surface in 3D structure.