1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
[22p-C105-2] A Physico-Mathematical Model for Nonlinear Acoustic Properties of Liquids Containing Multiple Ultrasound-Contrast-Agent-Microbubbles
Keywords:microbubble, ultrasound contrast agent, ultrasound diagnosis
Aimed toward ultrasound diagnosis enhanced by microbubbles, a physico-mathematical model for nonlinear propagation of ultrasound in a liquid containing multiple microbubbles encapsulated by a visco-elastic shell is proposed from the theoretical viewpoint. The most recent model for single encapsulated bubble incorporating compressibility and anisotropy of the shell (Chabouh et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 2021), is used for the equation of motion of the bubble in order to theoretically clarify the effect of properties of shell on ultrasound propagation of multiple encapsulated bubbles. From the method of multiple scales, nonlinear elolution equation as an effective equation is derived from the basic set of governing equations for liquids containing many encapsulated bubbles. The contribution of shell properties (e.g., compressibility, anisotropy, elasticity) on attenuation and nonlinearity of ultrasound is clarified.