The 83rd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2022

Presentation information

Poster presentation

3 Optics and Photonics » 3.11 Nanoscale optical science and near-field optics (formerly 3.12)

[22p-P04-1~15] 3.11 Nanoscale optical science and near-field optics (formerly 3.12)

Thu. Sep 22, 2022 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM P04 (Arena)

1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

[22p-P04-14] WGM oscillation in cubic GaN microdisk

Yuka Iwamoto1, Atsushi Syouji1, Tetsuya Kouno2, Akihiko Kikuchi3, Katsumi Kishino3, Masaru Sakai1 (1.Univ. Yamanashi, 2.Shizuoka Univ., 3.Sophia Univ.)

Keywords:Micro resonator, Whispering Gallery Mode

Hexagonal-shaped GaN microdiscs are microcrystals with 1 to several micrometers per side, and the discs have a structure floating several hundred nm to 1 μm from the substrate, and have the characteristics of a Whispering Gallery Mode (WGM) micro optical resonator. The crystal structure of GaN microdisks is known to have hexagonal and cubic crystals, which have different oscillation wavelengths. In this study, we observed WGM oscillation in the cubic GaN microdisk including the circumferential direction for the first time and compared it with that of the hexagonal GaN microdisk. The details will be reported on the day.