The 83rd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2022

Presentation information

Oral presentation

8 Plasma Electronics » 8.5 Plasma phenomena, emerging area of plasmas and their new applications

[23a-A307-1~5] 8.5 Plasma phenomena, emerging area of plasmas and their new applications

Fri. Sep 23, 2022 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM A307 (A307)

Keiichiro Urabe(Kyoto Univ.)

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

[23a-A307-1] Observation of sheath structures using fluorescent fine particles floating in discharge plasma

Daisuke Takayama1, Daisuke Hiro1, Sangwoon Park1, Yuma Karaki2, Masahiko inoue1, Toshihiro Taguchi3 (1.Setsunan Univ., 2.NAIST, 3.JAEA)

Keywords:sheath, fluorescent fine particles

We aim to develop new functional materials by applying a special coating to the fine particles suspended in the discharge plasma. Since the fine particles float in the sheath region near the electrode, it is essential to control the sheath structure in order to control the behavior of the fine particles. On the contrary, the sheath structure (thickness and shape) can be measured by observing the floating state of fine particles, but with our conventional equipment, the light emitted from the plasma in the background and the reflected light from the chamber wall surface of the illumination light can be measured. In many cases, it was not possible to measure clearly due to the influence. Therefore, in this study, we attempted to accurately observe the sheath structure (sheath thickness, shape, etc.) by using ultraviolet light illumination and fluorescent fine particles.