


9 応用物性 » 9.4 熱電変換

[24a-E205-1~11] 9.4 熱電変換

2022年3月24日(木) 09:00 〜 12:00 E205 (E205)

都甲 薫(筑波大)、中村 芳明(阪大)

10:15 〜 10:30

[24a-E205-6] Fabrication of Bulk-type Silicon Thermoelectric Material Using Silicon Nanowire

〇(D)Haibin Li1、Shinya Kato1、Yasuyoshi Kurokawa2、Tetsuo Soga1 (1.Nagoya Inst. of Tech.、2.Nagoya Univ.)

キーワード:Thermoelectric Material, Bulk-type Silicon, Silicon Nanowire

Thermoelectric materials can generate electricity from waste heat and play an important role in sustainable energy field, but the practical application of thermoelectric devices is mainly limited by the material cost and insufficient ZT. One of the restrictions for large area fabrication and the reduction of fabrication cost is that thermoelectric contained Si substrate. In this study, we explored using silicon nanowires (SiNWs) without Si substrate as raw materials to fabricate bulk-type silicon thermoelectric material. The purpose of the study is to realize bulk-type silicon thermoelectric material with lower cost and sufficient ZT.