The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022

Presentation information

Oral presentation

23 Joint Session N "Informatics" » 23.1 Joint Session N "Informatics"

[24p-E203-1~16] 23.1 Joint Session N "Informatics"

Thu. Mar 24, 2022 1:30 PM - 6:00 PM E203 (E203)

Toyohiro Chikyo(NIMS), Yuma Iwasaki(NIMS), Yasuhiko Igarashi(Tsukuba Univ.)

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM

[24p-E203-10] Bayesian Estimation for Multi-element XPS Spectrum Analysis using SESSA as a Generative Model

〇Atsushi Machida1, Kenji Nagata2, Ryo Murakami3, Hiroshi Shinotsuka2, Hayaru Shouno3, Hideki Yoshikawa2, Masato Okada1,2 (1.Univ. of Tokyo, 2.NIMS, 3.UEC)

Keywords:data-driven science, Bayesian statistics

XPS is a widely used measurement technique for surface material analysis, but often requires analysis based on the analyst's experience. From previous study, Bayesian estimation method for XPS analysis was proposed as a method to solve this problem. In this study, we replace the generative model in the previous study with the simulator SESSA, which allows us to set the layer structure of the sample and to estimate parameters such as its thickness.