


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.10 光量子物理・技術

[25p-D214-1~17] 3.10 光量子物理・技術

2022年3月25日(金) 13:00 〜 17:30 D214 (D214)

小関 泰之(東大)、俵 毅彦(日大)

16:45 〜 17:00

[25p-D214-15] Controlling pendular qubit states with nonresonant two-color laser pulses

〇Je Hoi Mun1,2,3、Shinichirou Minemoto1、Dong Eon Kim2,3、Hirofumi Sakai1 (1.Tokyo Univ.、2.POSTECH、3.MPK)

キーワード:Pendular qubit control, Molecular rotational dynamics, Coherent control

Molecular rotational states of polar molecules can serve as a platform to realize quantum computing or quantum simulation. The molecular qubit states are able to be coherently controlled by a resonant microwave electric field. In this presentation, we propose a new type of methodology to all-optically control pendular qubit states with nonresonant two-color laser pulses. Since the qubit control is realized by nonresonant laser pulses, the method can be applied to any molecules regardless of the energy structure of the molecules.